Anti-Defamation League’s Top 10 Anti-Israeli Groups

Anti-Defamation League's Top 10 Anti-Israeli Groups by Stephen Lendman ADL fronts for Jewish supremacy. It supports Israeli rights over Arabs. It backs occupation harshness. It believes colonizing Palestine for dominance and exploitation is OK. It's one of 52 Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organization (CPMAJO) Zionist organizations. They disseminate pro-Israeli propaganda. They conduct... Continue Reading →

Iranian Reality v. US/Israeli Lies

Iranian Reality v. US/Israeli Lies by Stephen Lendman Beating up on Iran is longstanding. For Israel, Washington and most Western states, the Islamic Republic can do no right. Lies substitute for truth. Fiction pretends it's fact. Iran's nuclear program is entirely peaceful. No evidence suggests otherwise. Iran threatens no one. Not according to New York... Continue Reading →

Remembering Michael Mandel

Remembering Michael Mandel by Stephen Lendman On October 27, Mandel died peacefully at home. He passed from cardiac amyloidosis. It's a rare heart disease. It causes arrhythmias, heart blockage disturbances and death. He died in his 67th year. He went much too soon. He was too good a man to lose. He's badly missed. He... Continue Reading →

Obamacare Sticker Shock

Obamacare Sticker Shock by Stephen Lendman Obama sold smoke and mirrors. He makes used car salesmen look respectable by comparison. His Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides unaffordable coverage. Millions of households have to pay 40% or more out-of-pocket. It's for co-pays and deductibles. It's on top of costly premiums.  Coverage for 50-year-olds making $46,100 is... Continue Reading →

Palestinian Prisoner Releases

Palestinian Prisoner Releases by Stephen Lendman Thousands of Palestinian political prisoners languish in Israel's gulag. It's one of the world's worst.  Many innocent victims are held uncharged or tried. Thousands are wrongfully imprisoned based on nonexistent secret evidence. Women are treated like men. Children are treated like adults. Horrific conditions include cruel and degrading treatment,... Continue Reading →

Gaza’s Tunnel Economy

Gaza's Tunnel Economy by Stephen Lendman They're a vital lifeline. They're a potential death trap. They're a bonanza for profiteers. They symbolize Palestinians' will to survive. It shows their determination to do so against all odds. Decades of Israeli viciousness haven't deterred them. They're not about to quit now. Besieged Gazans struggle to survive. Tunnel... Continue Reading →

Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders

Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders by Stephen Lendman He lied claiming otherwise. He's a serial liar. He's a moral coward. He's a war criminal multiple times over. He did what supporters thought impossible.  He exceeds the worst of George Bush. He plans lots more ways to prove it through 2016. Humanity may not survive... Continue Reading →

Israeli Responsibility for Hacking Millions of French Phones?

Israeli Responsibility for Hacking Millions of French Phones? by Stephen Lendman Mossad's credentials are notorious. They're well known. It's expertise is acknowledged. Its rap sheet is longstanding and nefarious.  Its tactics include targeted assassinations, satellite, drone and other type spying, hacking and espionage expertise, computer viruses, other cyber attacks, bombings, sabotage, and other lawless practices.... Continue Reading →

Maintaining Iran Sanctions

Maintaining Iran Sanctions by Stephen Lendman AIPAC wants them stiffened. More on that below. Congressional Democrats and Republicans want tougher ones. Senator Mark Kirk (R. IL) said: "Given Iran’s continued refusal to halt its illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs, the Senate should immediately move forward with a new round of economic sanctions targeting all... Continue Reading →

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