Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Ukraine

Russia's Foreign Ministry on Ukraine by Stephen Lendman Russia's efforts to end Ukrainian crisis conditions are heroic. Washington obstructionism prevents it.  Complicit EU states share blame. So does Kiev's illegitimate putschist government. Daily Western propaganda rages out-of-control. It represents upside reality. Truth is repeatedly suppressed. Big Lies substitute. Russian Federation Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey... Continue Reading →

Hard Truths on Ukraine MSM Suppress

Hard Truths on Ukraine MSM Suppress by Stephen Lendman On September 4 and 5, Britain will host a summit meeting of NATO heads of state. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen will chair the proceedings. At issue is justifying the unjustifiable. It's doing so based on Big Lies. It's wrongfully accusing Russia of "illegal actions in... Continue Reading →

Sellling NATO’s Killing Machine

Selling Nato's Killing Machine by Stephen Lendman On August 17, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post featured op-eds selling NATO at a time when its existence more than ever threatens humanity's survival. More on them below. Claiming NATO is a "political and military alliance for peace and security" is farcical on its face. Its... Continue Reading →

Ravaging and Destroying Syria

Ravaging and Destroying Syria by Stephen Lendman Advancing America's imperium matters most. Core international, constitutional and US statute laws aren't important. Nor high crimes against peace. On geopolitical issues mattering most, MSM editors, correspondents, columnists and contributors support what demands condemnation. Syria is Obama's war. He launched it. He continues it. He’s guilty of horrendous... Continue Reading →

Irresponsibly Challenging Russia

Irresponsibly Challenging Russia by Stephen Lendman Cold War 2.0 rages. It's heading dangerously toward East/West confrontation. Putin and Obama are geopolitical opposites. They represent conflicting values. Putin supports multi-world polarity. He believes national sovereignty is inviolable. He opposes imperial lawlessness. He believes no nation has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of others.... Continue Reading →

Fact-Checking Obama

Fact-Checking Obama by Stephen Lendman Obama long ago lost credibility. Nothing he says can be believed. He lies, deceives and misinforms. His political career reflects it. He can't be trusted. On August 28, he held a short press conference. He did so ahead of America's Labor Day weekend. He began with a statement before taking... Continue Reading →

Gaza War Postmortems

Gaza War Postmortems by Stephen Lendman Israel's Operation Protective Edge (OPE) was well-planned premeditated aggression. It had nothing to do with Hamas rockets. It wasn't about crushing Palestine's legitimate government. Israel needs enemies. When none exist, they're invented. They're blamed for Israel's crimes. OPE was about preventing Palestinian self-determination. It was to maintain occupation harshness.... Continue Reading →

Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia

Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia by Stephen Lendman Claims about Russia invading Ukraine are fabricated. Big Lies  proliferate. MSM scoundrels feature them. More on this below. On Thursday, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki lied saying "we're seeing…a pattern of escalating aggression in Ukraine from the Russians and Russian-backed separatists." "And it's clear that Russia... Continue Reading →

Targeting Syria

Targeting Syria by Stephen Lendman On Tuesday, Obama addressed the American Legion's annual convention in Charlotte, NC. More on his speech below. The next day, the so-called UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria (COI) issued its latest anti-Assad report. Its mandate is investigating human rights abuses. It's a pro-Western imperial tool. Paulo Pinheiro... Continue Reading →

The Russians Are Coming Big Lies

The Russians Are Coming Big Lies by Stephen Lendman Anti-Russian lies keep repeating. So many proliferate, it hard keeping up. The latest is over-the-top and then some. It accuses Russia of launching a major offensive against Ukrainian forces. Accusations without evidence are made. Kiev sources are cited. They've been caught red-handed lying many times. Nothing... Continue Reading →

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