Trump Says Will Focus Solely on Presidency, Not Business

Trump Says Will Focus Solely on Presidency, Not Business by Stephen Lendman In multiple tweets I’m combining, he said: “I will be holding a major news conference in New York City with my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that I will be leaving my…great business in total in order to fully focus... Continue Reading →

UN Aid in Syria Going to US-Supported Terrorists

UN Aid in Syria Going to US-Supported Terrorists by Stephen Lendman The UN largely operates as a wholly owned US subsidiary, serving its imperial interests - in flagrant violation of its Charter principles. On November 30, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said world body aid is politicized - crumbs alone earmarked for thousands of... Continue Reading →

Erdogan’s Imperial Lawlessness

Erdogan’s Imperial Lawlessness by Stephen Lendman Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan is an international outlaw, a wannabe sultan ruling with an iron fist, wanting northern Iraq and Syria annexed, along with Assad ousted. What’s been well-known all along, he partly admitted, saying “(w)e entered (northern Syria) to end the rule of the tyrant (sic) al-Assad who... Continue Reading →

Green Party Disavows Turncoat Stein

Green Party Disavows Turncoat Stein by Stephen Lendman Her lofty campaign rhetoric was hollow, her progressivism phony. Her recount scam shows support for war goddess, racketeer, perjurer Hillary, financed with Soros money. In bed with the devil revealed her true persona - not a physician wanting to use her professional skills to help heal a... Continue Reading →

Trump Picks Wall Street Bank to Run Treasury

Trump Picks Wall Street Banker to Run Treasury  by Stephen Lendman Once a Wall Street banker, always one. Rare exceptions prove the rule. Goldman Sachs alum Steven Mnunchin is Trump’s choice for Treasury.  After 17 years at GS, he became OneWest Bank Group chairman and CEO, an enterprise connected to George Soros. He founded motion... Continue Reading →

NYT Anti-Trump This Week in Hate Series

NYT Anti-Trump This Week in Hate Series by Stephen Lendman In response to Trump’s triumph over Hillary, The Times launched the series, an editorial note saying: “This Week in Hate tracks hate crimes and harassment around the country since the election of Donald Trump. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups are keeping detailed... Continue Reading →

Memorable Tribute to Fidel

Memorable Tribute to Fidel by Stephen Lendman Tuesday in Havana was a night to remember. Fidelistas turned out en masse at the Plaza de la Revolucion to honor their beloved leader, now passed.  World dignitaries joined them, notably from Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa. “I am Fidel,” “Viva Fidel,” and “United, the people will... Continue Reading →

NYT Reinvents Syria’s Liberating Struggle

NYT Reinvents Syria’s Liberating Struggle by Stephen Lendman Throughout Obama’s genocidal war on Syria, orchestrated by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, The Times exclusively reported administration and Pentagon propaganda, hard truths suppressed - the same way it covers all major issues, especially geopolitical ones. Courageous Syrian and allied forces are winning the battle for... Continue Reading →

Trump Wants Flag Burners Punished

Trump Wants Flag Burners Punished by Stephen Lendman On November 29, he tweeted “(n)obody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequence - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail.” The Constitution’s First Amendment “prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding... Continue Reading →

Cubans Honor Fidel

Cubans Honor Fidel by Stephen Lendman I remember when Fidel liberated Cuba in January 1959. On New Year’s day, US-supported dictator Fulgencio Bastista fled the island state for the Dominican Republic. On January 7, Fidel-led freedom fighters triumphantly entered Havana. In April 1961, the Kennedy administration launched the Bay of Pigs invasion. Attempting to remove... Continue Reading →

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